Welcome to the California Historical Radio Society's Central Valley Chapter website. The CVC was founded in 2006 with 23 members who were dedicated to the preservation and restoration of old antique radios and radio and broadcasting memorabilia from all eras. We hold radio repair workshops every Wednesday night at our clubhouse with short classes on radio restoration topics once a month. We also host one of the premier radio swap meets on the West Coast every fall. We welcome all antique radio buffs, or those just wanting to learn more about vintage radios, to browse our website and learn more about the CVC chapter of CHRSgh6543
We are a non-profit organization so you may get a tax benefit for your donation. To contact us for any reason, call a number below or complete the message form on the Services page.
Welcome Antique Radio Enthusiasts!
Edward Steeves - CVC Chapter Chairman - (925) 586-5518
John Wallin - CVC Vice-Chairman - (209) 823-5474
Mark Borgatta - Treasurer - (925) 519-2959
Joe Holland - Secretary / Instructor - (209) 988-2803
Scott Scheidt - Communications Officer / Webmaster - (209) 380-7438